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  • Writer's pictureBeck Cameron

The Wilson Family

Peter and Lorraine (Ma and Pa in the middle there), we are huge fans of your family!

My family has so many stories and memories with these brothers, and their beautiful wives and families. We've seen each other get married, have all our babies, move houses, towns and countries!

I could go on but I'll just say this - we count ourselves very blessed to have such quality people in our lives. People who support and encourage us, share our celebration moments and help support us through the tough ones. What I think is a huge testament to a couple of parents like Peter and Lorraine, is the fact that they raised two quality men - kind, generous, ambitious and funny.

From a parent of boys, to parents of boys - I hope I raise good men like you have, who choose good wives like yours did, and have a close family like you do!

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