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  • Writer's pictureBeck Cameron

The Bermingham Family

Winter is one of my favourite times of the year to shoot. These golden colours can be photoshopped in, but winter produces them naturally - and they're glorious! Add a super cute family and BAM - you've got yourself a pretty good recipe for some great photos!

I met Shannyn, Michael and Jackson out on Michael's family property. Michael grew up here and they plan to build a house here in the not too distant future, so it was the perfect spot for their photos. Shan is my cousin (we get asked if we're sisters sometimes), so it was extra fun for me to photograph these guys. Michael and Shannyn are engaged to be married and I couldn't be happier for them. Such an exciting future ahead for this couple and I love that I can witness the journey from the start. They'll look back on these photos in years to come and think of how far they've come as a couple and a family!

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