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  • RJ Photography

Kelsi & Grace {BELOVED}

I believe theres a limited number of people who walk into our lives and stay for the whole journey. There are friendships for seasons and when the seasons end you go in your separate directions. Not because you've decided to end the friendship but life takes you on different journeys. Those people are special for a time and once the time ends you have the chance to start new special seasons.

But sometimes someone will walk in and they go nowhere. Through all the seasons, tough and joyous, they're right there with you.

Kelsi and Grace are forever friends. They've already been through lots of seasons together! Closer than sisters! They've been with each other through marriage and babies and now starting a new exciting chapter in business!!

It was a pleasure to spend the afternoon with you, ladies! I had so much fun! I pray for a prosperous future and a continual strengthening of your friendship!!


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