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  • RJ Photography

The Lemin Family {TRIBE}

What an amazing family!! These guys are so lovely, I mean- so lovely! And as a Mum of two boys myself (potentially someday three) it was a little experiment for me to see these brothers altogether. They have a lot of energy. They were perfectly behaved, polite young gentleman. And I got home and thought- I love that we have boys!

Jeff and Angela Lemin are from Aspire Financial Consulting- just want to give a plug for these guys because they're amazing! We recently had a session with Jeff and I was so worried that I would walk away from a meeting with a financial planner and be confused and overwhelmed. But I wasn't at all! Jeff spoke in words we could understand, gave such practical examples and explanations, and gave us great direction in planning our retirement (not that we're anywhere near it yet but decisions we make now will affect how we end up in another 35 years time!). We are so grateful for their advice!

Anyway- photos!! This was my first time at this location. Ange picked it as a sentimental spot as they'd had photos done there 5 years ago when the boys were a bit younger. It was great. Simple with lots of texture makes for great backgrounds!

It was a pleasure to spend an afternoon with you guys!

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