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The Apelt Family {TRIBE}

RJ Photography

I LOVE getting to know my clients! I take our time together a lot more personally than just taking a few snaps, give them to you and away you go. I can confidently create beautiful photos for my clients. Its easy to create great photos with an easy going, fun, close family! What makes it even easier still, is if you treat me like one of your own- thats when the magic really happens! I try to get to know you and make you feel comfortable with me as quickly as possible to help this happen.

I had such a fun afternoon with the Apelt family!! We laughed the whole time!! Within just minutes of meeting them I could tell this was going to be a good one! My husbands family have a great sense of humour and always say "we don't pick on people we don't like". So you know you're 'in' with the family when they're teasing you and having a laugh with you. I felt right at home with the Apelts- they joked and laughed with each other and with me! It's simple things like this that will relax you infront of my camera. When people are being exactly who they are infront of my camera as they are in everyday life- it makes a HUGE difference!

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